Lexi had her 3rd birthday on Sunday. I can't believe it's been 3 years! My little girl is growing up (tear!). We went to church that day and then headed to the Allen's for dinner and cake ad ice cream. Lexi says thanks for all the birthday wishes!!! Hooray!
3 years old! Thanks grandma Crane for the tea set!
Happy Birthday Lexi! Thanks for being such a good friend (and great example of how a preschooler should behave) to Gretta! You showed her the way about how cool it was to walk, so now maybe she'll pick up on how cool it is to follow directions too. You're a great kid!
I can't believe she's already 3! She looks so grown up! Love you Lex!
Happy Birthday Lexi! Michelle- you have a THREE year old! You're getting so old! Wait, that means I'M OLD! You don't look a day over 20!! Love you! :)
yay for 3 year olds!! oh your kiddies are so cute and so are you.. you ae looking so pretty in all of your pics im so happy we aer friends and hahah when jace got the ice cream stuck
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