Saturday, June 14, 2008

Book Tag

Ok so I've been tagged!

Book TagDirections:

1. Get the nearest book to you, or one you're reading that contains over 123 pages.
2. Go to the 123 page
3. Find the 5th sentence
4. Post the 5th sentence
5. Tag five peopleBook

Book: Timeless Waltz by Anita Stansfield

Sentence: "Maybe I should wise up and marry her."

I'm actually not that far into this book yet...that sentence just gave everything away! Ok, not really. I tag Kim, Kaydee, Austyn, Andi, Melanie, Kylene, Gina, and...Scoobie (haha)

1 comment:

Shambonies said...

haha your so funny.... and im not gonna do it... if i had a book i would!! love ya