Saturday, October 27, 2007

Trick or Treat

Here in Concord they do an awesome thing for Halloween. The Friday before Halloween, they open up all the shops downtown for the kids to go trick or treating too. Everyone and their dog shows up, so it gets pretty crazy, but the kids love it - well Lexi loved the lollypops more!

Kya, Mia, and baby Boston

Of course Tyson had to dress for the occasion - thanks dad for the flight suit!
Ballerina Lexi and chili pepper Jace

Cutest ballerina ever! - Thanks Necia for the tutu



Melissa/McRae said...

I'll say it's crazy! We did good for a while staying near each other, but that didn't last long. Lexi must have been in heaven with all the lollipops that were given out- when you run out come over and we'll share ours!

Shambonies said...

Jeff likes tyces costume the best I like how Jace is sitting in the last picture!!Looks comefy