Sunday, September 23, 2007

Ready to go...

On your mark...

Get Set...


Jace has been cracking us up lately. He wants to move and crawl so bad. He's getting really good at getting himself up on his hands and knees and now goes up onto his toes and sticks his bum up in the air. He'll stay there for a little bit and then fall on his face. He gets really frustrated! It's pretty cute. He's also getting really good at sitting up by himself. It's so fun to see the different things they can do.

And of course this blog would not be complete if there wasn't a picture of Lexi on here. My grandma used to do this thing called the "seat ride" to us when we were little. Somehow (and I have no idea how this happened) we (my sisters and I) adapted the name to be "seat ride don't wanna be." Weird I know, but this is Lexi doing seat ride don't wanna be to Jace. He obviously loves it!


Our Pratt Pack said...

So cute... I can't believe Jace. What's next? Gonna start him on the piano soon?

Austyn said...

oh my gosh! jace is getting soooo adorable! what a big boy! you guys are always having so much fun.

Austyn said...

oh my gosh! jace is getting soooo adorable! what a big boy! you guys are always having so much fun.

Shambonies said...

haha i like how austyn says jace is getting so adorable!! what about before what was he then austyn? haha jk im sure she thought he was always cute but that was so cute jaky baby is crawling now too! good times good times!!