Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Trip to WA

The kids and I took off for a week and a half to go see my family in WA. Yes, that meant flying across the US with three kids by myself. Yes, I am one brave woman, and Yes, they did awesome! I'm so blessed to have such wonderful kids! We stayed in Seattle with my sister, Heather for a day. She let her kids stay home from school and it was SO cute to see Max play with Jace all day!

We had a good time in Ephrata. Some of the highlights were:

Dressing my THREE kids up in coordinating fun!

Snuggle time with Grandma

Photo shoot with cousin James. These boys are three months apart. It was pretty comical to watch Kim try and get them to smile. I'm surprised this was the best we got with all the faces and sounds she was making.

It was quite the event trying to get a picture of the four of us...let's just say my mommy fangs came out.

Playing with Ellen

My sister-in-law, Necia, came over with the kids almost every day. More cousin time! Here are the kids doing some crafts

Visiting with grandma Bair. Coleson was her 80th great grand baby

Celebrating Kyle's birthday

Ellen becoming my best friend...only takes a little cake and icecream!

Playing in the snow. Ben and my dad (and kids) built this snowman...pretty impressive huh?

My little niece Jillian. She looks like a little precious moments doll.

Making/decorating/eating sugar cookies

Other highlights included going to see Tangled (cutest movie every), watching Natalie and Katrina sing at RS night, going to Maren's preschool program, watching Ben chase the kids around the house, learning how to play Wizard, sewing (yes, I am becoming a seamstress), singing jingle bells while kids were running around the house and babies got pretty loud at times, and I LOVED it! To see more pictures you can check out Kim's blog too:

It was a great trip. Thanks mom and dad!

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