Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Wow, another year come and gone, can you believe it??? A wonderful year it has been. Looking back, we were lucky enough to do a lot and visit a lot of places. The year started out with a trip to Hawaii with the Bair family. All I have to say is…it was AWESOME! A big thanks to grandma and grandpa Crane for watching the kids for us. Throughout the year we also got to visit New York, Baltimore, WA for our annual Twin Lakes trip, Lake Shasta with the Crane’s, and a highlight was going to Tehema and Los Melinos and getting a tour of where Tyson’s grandparent grew up. We’ve had many visitors and are always grateful when people will come to visit us (hint hint)!

We welcomed the fifth member of our family this year! Coleson Davis was born on October 22. He’s such a cutie! He’s two months old now and is our chunky, fat baby. He’s in the 90th percentile for his weight and 75th for height. He’s very smiley and even started laughing the other day. It’s so much fun to see all these milestones again!

Jace turned 3 this year and is becoming quite a smart little boy. He’s been learning his letters, can spell his name, and can count to ten in Spanish and up to 30 in English. He loves reading books and doing puzzles. I swear he would do these two things all day long, if I could handle it. He was easily potty trained before our trip to Hawaii at the beginning of the year. He got to go on his first father’s and sons’ outing , which he thought was pretty cool…dirt and sticks, what else could you ask for? He continues to make us laugh and is such a sweetheart to his little brother. He’s really embraced his role as “big brother.”

Lexi is 5 and started kindergarten this year, where she is known as Alexa. She enjoys school and learning. She’s become quite crafty since starting school. She would rather do crafts and workbooks than play. I guess I’d better just enjoy that before I have to start hounding her about homework. She is such a good little girl, such a good listener and very cooperative. The only thing she ever gets in trouble for is being in the baby’s face too much. She was in her first dance recital this summer and is now taking gymnastics.

Tyson’s been taking advantage of his last year of his twenties by playing on a soccer league and was also able to participate in the Ragnar relay (a 2 day, 200 mile race), running 18 miles. His body is wearing down, so he may not be able to do those things once he hits 30. He is keeping very busy at work and serves in the church as a Sunday school teacher for the 14-17 year olds.

Most of my year was spent being pregnant, which meant a lot of the year I was sick and tired. However, the kids and I were able to make many trips to the Smithsonian museums, the zoo, and pretty much spent the summer at the pool. I am adjusting to three kids and still enjoy scrapbooking, playing the piano, and am excited take on some sewing projects with my new sewing machine! At church I serve as the YW personal progress advisor and the choir pianist.

What a wonderful time of year that we have to really, and more fully, reflect upon the birth, life, and sacrifice of our Savior, Jesus Christ. We are so blessed to have a perfect example that we can strive to emulate. May you all have a wonderful Christmas and a very happy New Year!

Love, the Crane family: Tyson, Michelle, Alexa, Jace, & Coleson


JoAnna Fountain said...

Merry Christmas!

Emily said...

Cute family picture! Looks like your trip to WA was fun! I am glad you are back though:)!

Kim said...

Did you take that picture yourself with a timer or did someone take it for you? Was that photo shoot better than the ones here? hahaha