Tuesday, September 7, 2010

So here's my big kindergarten girl...isn't she cute? I don't know what the big deal was...my little 5 year old getting on the school bus, going to school all day, big deal right?!?! Not!.. I was a total basket case. I held it together really well until the bus drove away...don't go! and then I pulled myself together and lost it again when Tyson decided to go to work...why did everyone have to start leaving me? The tears were in full force til Jace woke up to play with me...then I was much better! However, I did want to follow the bus to school this morning, I did want to go peek my head in her classroom, just to make sure she'd made it, and I did want to email her teacher to see how she was doing...but I didn't. She made it home and had a great first day of school. One day down...12 years to go!

Jace asked multiple times during the day where Lexi was and was anxious to have his playmate back when she got home...I guess I'm not as fun as Lexi

Aw, friends!

1 comment:

Kaydee said...

What a cute kindergartner. I can't say I know how you feel, but I am sure it has got to be tough just sending her off like that. I would be bawling my eyes out I am sure. Glad she had a good first day. She is such a cutie!