Thursday, September 2, 2010


I still cannot wrap my brain around the fact that Lexi is starting school next week...WHAT?!?! Since I know it's going to come whether I like it or not, we've been having a lot of playtime before we start in on the craziness of starting school. Ok, I know it's not going to be crazy, but we've never really had a routine before and quite honestly, I'm not looking forward to waking up early every day for the next 20+ years. I'm am excited for all the new things Lexi will be learning and the new friends she will be's still weird though!

So in the meantime, we took a trip to the zoo with the Allen's
Jace, Abby, Lexi, Zach, Russell

Last weekend we went into DC for the Glenn Beck Restoring Honor Rally

We went and had a movie night with the Bohn's for Family night, which was great until Jace slipped and split his eyebrow open on the coffee table. Took him to the ER for some stitches, however, will be getting a nice bill for some super glue.

We did the family night at Bohn's to watch Night at the Museum and then thought it would be fun to go to the Natural History Museum within the next few we did just that.
Jace holding the humungus grasshopper

And this is my big kindergardener right before we went to meet her teacher and see her classroom. She's so excited to start school and she apologized to me today for continuing to grow up...she just can't help it :-)


JoAnna Fountain said...

That last comment is so cute and funny. Lexi always has cute things to say. Good luck with school - she is going to have so much fun!

Kim said...

I can't believe she's going to school! I guess now you know for next time to just do the super glue job yourself!

Our Pratt Pack said...

So cute, you know they have skin glue at the dollar store we never leave home without it!

Kaydee said...

I can't believe lexi is already starting kindergarten. CRAZY! Poor Jace he is always getting hurt. Super glue is the key next time around. We miss you guys.