Monday, April 14, 2008

A Visitor!

A few weeks ago, my little sister Allison came to visit. Unfortunately, I didn't take any pictures. We had a fun time though, and I'm glad Alli got to come experience a little of the New Hampshire life. We got to go shopping, story time, tried to see Horton, but ended up at the Beef side instead, and she even babysitted for us so we could go to dinner with some friends. Thanks Alli, we miss you! Come see us again!


Shambonies said...

oh yay we love ali too!!

Shambonies said...

oh yay we love ali too!!

Andi said...

Alli- come visit me someday!! How fun to get to hang out together. I haven't seen her forever! Looks like Lexi and Jace had a blast with her too.