Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Birthday boy

Jace Ryan was born April 30, 2007 around 1:30 pm. I cannot believe it has been a whole year already! Jace has been a wonderful addition to our family. Here are some things about Jace that I will never forget:
*He has really big hands, we like to call him "Bear claw."
*Along with Bear Claw, other nicknames include Jacity and Jayshum.
*He cried a lot when he was 1-2 months. He generally screamed from 6pm-11pm...thanks mom and dad for all your help! One thing that helped with this was the snuggli - he loved being in it! It really was a life saver!
*He started crawling when he was only 5 months old (never learning the army crawl)
*Jace had to be swadled to go to bed until he was 11 months old.
*One of my favorite times of the day was when he'd go to bed. I would swaddle him up and he would be asleep and all of the sudden open his eyes and just start smiling and talking, out of nowhere. It was so cute and I always hated laying him down, but I knew that if i didn't, he'd never go back to sleep.
*He's always been really skinny (usually in the 5% for weight) so when he started walking it was so funny to see this skinny little thing walking around.
*He's always been a good sleeper at night. He slept through the night when he was only a week old. Now, he goes to bed at 8:00pm and usually doesn't get up til 9 or 9:30am. Naps are another story, but they are getting better.
*He has the funniest facial expressions, especially when he's sad (pretty pathetic). I think it's because his eyes are so big. We like to have staring contests sometimes.
*He's always been a mamma's boy, so much so that for awhile he wouldn't even let daddy hold him.
*He's just the cutest little guy ever! We love him so much and glad he was brought to our little family! Happy Birthday little Jayshum!


Kaydee said...

Yeah Jayshum!!! Happy Birthday!!! We love you!!!

Kim said...

Happy Birthday! I can't believe you're already 1! Such a big guy. We love you!

Michelle- You'll have to relay this message to Jace since he probably can't read yet. :)

Our Pratt Pack said...

Crazy Crazy I feel like we were just wheeling them back and forth between our rooms at the hospital!

jamie lynette said...

Happy Birthday Jace! What a cute kid!

Melanie said...

I have to agree about his tiny legs! He just looks to small and skinny to be actually walking around. And those facial expressions? Priceless! Happy Birthday, Jace!