Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Virginia baby

Tyson and I have a goal to have all our babies in different states...ok not really, but we're doing a good job of that. Utah, New Hampshire, and now Virginia. Coleson Davis was born on Friday October 22 at 8:32 am, a week before his due date. He was 8 lbs 5 ounces and 21 3/4 inches long. It's weird to think according to my due date, he could still be inside of me. Here are some pictures from the hospital and the story of how it all happened, which you don't have to read, but that I need to document. We're so happy to have this little guy in our family and are enjoying this precious newborn part of life where they just sleep and cuddle! Love it!

about to go home

Thursday morning I headed to the doctor for my appointment, only to find that I was dilated to a 4 and 80% effaced. My cervix was ready for the birth of this baby, I just wasn't have any contractions. I was relieved to hear my doctor say that if I was to go into the hospital, they wouldn't send me home if I was that far dilated. So Thursday late afternoon they started, but not consistently and they didn't hurt too bad. We decided to get some sleep that night, but was awoken at 2 am when I couldn't sleep through them anymore. We waited about an hour before calling the doctor and calling our friend to come watch the kids (THANK YOU EMILY!!!).

We got to the hospital, checked in and the doctor broke my water (4:30 am). The contractions started becoming stronger but were staying consistently at 6 minutes apart. They gave me some pitocin to try and bring them closer together. At this point I am still trying to do it natural, but with the pitocin they were becoming very strong, and I stayed dilated at a 6 for quite some time. Finally, I decided to get an epidural, I couldn't take it anymore, especially since I wasn't really progressing. After the epidural was given I went from a 6 to an 8 in a matter of 10 minutes, and then an 8 to a 10 in probably another 10-15 minutes. It was time to push. We let the baby descend a little longer and began pushing. I pushed through about 5 contractions and out he came! So glad I got the epidural!

There are so many emotions that come with having a baby. I was very nervous going into the hospital, nervous about the pain. That was cured with the epidural. I was anxious about having 3 kiddos to take care or. That was cured when I heard his precious cry for the first time. I was excited to see what he would look like. That was cured when I got to hold him for the first time. I worried that I wouldn't be able to push him out. That was cured with my super human strength :-) There are no words to describe what a miracle having a child is. It is such a special, tender, emotional moment when they put that baby, whose been inside of you for such a long time, on your chest for the first time. I feel so blessed to be able to have children and that Heavenly Father has entrusted me with these special babies. I look forward to our new life with 5 in our family!


West Family said...

congrats! he is super cute!

Kim said...

So glad he's here! I'm really glad you're not pregnant anymore or he would have been probably a pound heavier. Ouch! James has that same football outfit in preemie size. I'm glad it doesn't fit him anymore.

Madsen Family said...

Congratulations!! What a cute baby :) Glad everything went well and glad to hear you got an epidural!! Enjoy your cute little boy. Wish we were there to come visit.

Heather Adams said...

A Gooo! Welcome to the world little Coleson! We are so glad you are here. We can't wait til we get to see you in person. Sleep lots for your mommy and be happy!

We love you all. Way to go Tyson and Michelle!

Rina said...

Congratulations! He's cute. I thought your super human strength comment was funny. Isn't that the truth!? Good luck recovering and adjusting to 3.

Amanda said...

Congratulations! What a perfect family you have! I sure miss you! Hope you have fun with a new baby and good luck! Love his cute name:)

The Mechams said...

What a perfect bean. Congrats Momma, and by the way you are looking pretty good for just having your third baby. Go YOU!!!

Becky said...

Congratulations you guys on another cutie pie!

Melanie said...

We've had all of ours in different states so far too!