Saturday, November 29, 2008

Thankful for Thanksgiving!

Austyn and Dustin came from New York to see us for Thanksgiving! We had so much fun and were glad to not be alone for the holiday break. For Thanksgiving day we got together with a bunch of law school friends for some tasty food and dessert. The rest of the day was spent watching football and reminiscing. Friday, Austyn and I (with the kids) hit the sales while the boys went shooting. We got some good deals and the guys had fun doing something manly. That night we went to Smitty's for dinner and a movie (THANK YOU PRATTS FOR WATCHING KIDS!), followed by a night of rock band (THANK YOU ALLEN'S!). It was great just to chill, watch movies, and be with friends. THANK YOU Austyn and Dustin for coming to see us and....MOVE TO D.C.!
Before they left we did a little photo shoot...and doesn't Austyn look awesome for being 8 months pregnant???...Dustin looks good too!

Just like old times

Hard core!

Woooah dude!

Chillin' at Smitty's

The boys looking HOT!

Dustin taught Jace all of his letters...well the letter "D" anyway

Wednesday, November 26, 2008


So, a lot of posts lately have been about the Twilight movie. I think everyone has heard my opinion on the movie, so I will spare my comments for the time being. I will just say that the books are always WAY better. Maybe if I see it again, I might have a different opinion on it. But, we (Laura, Dee, Kylene, and myself) had a blast going to the midnight showing...even if we were the oldest ones in the theater.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Ming a Mo

TRANSLATION: I have no idea! He says it all the time and I have no idea what it means. He usually says a high Ming a mo and then a low ming a mo. If anyone has any ideas as to what he's referring to let me know!

Sunday, November 16, 2008


So, today for church Lexi and Jace were both wearing black and pink...super cute if I do say so myself. I wanted to get a few pictures of them together after church in their color coordinated outfits and this is what I got:

You can take our picture if you can catch us

See if you can take my picture while I'm running at you

I'll let you take a picture of long as Lexi's not in it

I said that first Jace
Close, but no cigar
This is a good one...jump in front of Lexi right before mom takes the picture

Alright, it's all fun and games til someone tries to take a head off


Saturday, November 8, 2008

In Memory of Mara

In Mara's memory we unite to help a little girl named Monisha who has been diagnosed with the same cancer as Mara. Please visit the link below to read her story and contribute.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Funny Videos

I thought I'd share these funny videos. The funny thing about Lexi's video, is not that she has stickers on her face, but that when I asked her if I could video her, she said I could after she took her stickers off. Oops, I forgot to tell her she missed a few.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Trick or Treat

After A LOT of kicking and screaming we finally got Jace to leave his Batman costume on. Although for a long time he was NOT happy about it, as you can see from the picture below.

By the end of the night, I think Halloween might be his favorite holiday yet! He had so much fun getting candy and putting it in his treat bag...and then eating the candy. This was at the end of the ice cream cone in one hand and a sucker in the other...does it get any better than that???

Fairy Lexi and Butterfly Gretta...we have a picture of the girls sitting on these steps I think from every year we've been here. I'll have to go through and post them from the previous years

Batman Jace, Buzz Lightyear Zach, Fairy Lexi, and Jasmine Abby

Look! We even got him to put his mask on!!!

Ariel Ellie and Fairy Lexi

Kallyn, Lexi, Kaprice, Kya, Mia, Allison, Boston, Jace

The Kiddy Klan: The kids did so good posing for this pic...this is the best one I if anyone has a better one, send it my way!

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Trunk or Treat

This was last weekend for the ward trunk or treat.

Lexi in her fairy costume
Making place mats at the ward party
Gretta and Lexi enjoying the trunk part of the night
Jace refused to put on his costume for trunk or treat. But he had a lot of fun hanging out in the trunk passing out candy with dad.
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