Saturday, January 12, 2008

Crazy clapper

It's so funny when babies start doing new things. Jace figured out how to clap yesterday when we were listening to "I want a Hippopotamus for Christmas" (for the zillionth time). Its so funny how hard they concentrate, just to put their little hands together. I put both videos on here just because the first one is so dark...and because you can hear Tyson singing in the back ground in one of them. So enjoy the song...yet again :-)


Kristy said...

that is awesome--another reason to hear that wonderful song again that is forever stuck in our heads. Thanks so very much for sharing.

Our Pratt Pack said...

It's pretty impressive that he can maneuver those honkin things!

Andi said...

Very cute! I'm sure you're loving hearing the song over and over and over and over. . . haha. PS I left a comment about the background on our blog just under the one you wrote. . . since I'm new to blogging is that how I respond, or should I go to your blog to respond?? (that is the one thing I liked about facebook is the WALL) :)

Melanie said...

Love it! Also, love his hair in his sidebar pic.

Annelisa said...

Cute! Brieanna and Mason have watched it over and over. Mason wants to come that ok? :)