Wednesday, December 5, 2007

A Week With The Cousins

Last week I got to stay with my sister and her family. Here were some of the highlights:

Jace getting mauled by Katrina...she was just trying to give him loves :-)

It actually snowed there...which doesn't happen too often. My sister says that you have to make the most of the snow, cause it may never happen again. The kids had a lot of fun.

Bryan brought snow inside for Katrina to you can see, its not yellow :-)

Taking pictures!

Natalie reading books to Lexi

Eating popsicles
(Lexi, Natalie, Max, Mara)

Jumping on Grandpa Bair

The family fun center!

Putting up Christmas

Some other highlights were swimming at the YMCA, shopping, playing on the bacon and eggs, coloring with Mara, drinking hot chocolate while Heather had apple cider, putting on makeup with the kids, playing the piano for Heather and Bryan's vocal duet, and watching Max in a Christmas play. We had such a good time and can't wait to go back!


Melanie said...

Looks like so much fun! It's funny that it's so rare for entire families to get together, but when it happens, it's the best! That Mara sure is a cutie! Glad you had fun, but glad to have you back too.

Shambonies said...

oh you had so much fun!! Dont you hate it when it ends... all the kids are so cute!! does your brother have 2 kids?

Madsen Family said...

It looks like you guys had so much fun. Cute pictures!