Monday, October 29, 2012


Here's what's been going on over at the Crane house.

I went and snapped a few family pics for a friend of mine.  While we were there I thought I'd get a few of my cute kiddos.  Isn't Lexi getting so big? She's such a sweet girl.

Wow, all three are looking...and smiling

Unfortunately Coleson's and Jace's didnt turn out that great, lighting wise, but this one is cute of Coleson

Jace has been having a good time playing soccer this year.  He's a pretty good little player too. He's also been taking a Tae Kwan Do class too, which is probably the cutest thing I've ever seen.  I have pics on my phone that will come later.

Lexi has been taking a dance/tumbling class. She's quite obsessed with cartwheels and hand stands.

Coleson turned 2 on the 22nd.  All I can say is he's definately a 2 year old.  His sweet nature has turned into...well two year old tantrums...a lot of them.  We still love him though :-)  He really is such a funny kid.  He reminds us of his uncle Burn.  He can never do anything normally, there has to be an added element to what he's doing.  He can't just eat his food normally, he has to make a boingy sound and hop it into his mouth (you do that right Burn?).  He's very smart too, he has to be to keep up with his older siblings.  I walked into the room as he was counting to 14!  I certainly didn't teach him that. We love our little Coke!

Tyson's grandparents came to visit, that is why we have a picture of the two of us :-)

Germ and Germp got to watch one of Jace's soccer games...he even scored a goal which was very exciting! Here's the team.
Coleson loved all his Germ time.  I love telling people about Germ and Germp.  These two are not normal grandparents.  They are 25 year olds trapped in 75 year old bodies.  Germp build us some shelving in the garage while they were here (pictures to come) and Germ spent her time taking us shopping and playing with the kids.  We stayed up until midnight one night just chatting away. We had a great time and are so glad we have these memories with them!

Other exciting news is that I became an independent consultant for paparazzi jewelry and accessories.  My sister in law, Kaydee, sells it and got me interested.  I've had three parties and am having a great time with it!  Yeah for me :-)
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1 comment:

Austyn said...

LOVE the update, LOVE you guys, Can't wait to see you NEXT WEEK! Hollah!