Monday, February 22, 2010

My latest fetish

The past few days I just haven't been able to sit still because we are leaving for Hawaii in a few days. So, I decided to start a new hobby...I love it! Lexi really likes making them too, yes, they are easy enough that a 4 year old can do them. We've made so many!

Might be time for a new board
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Thursday, February 18, 2010

Just because they're cute!

And just because I'm awesome...

Alright, it wasn't the hardest song in the world, but I've never done this before...quite the accomplishment, I know!
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Sunday, February 14, 2010


The other day I was telling Lexi and Jace about the days when I was a clogger. I still have my metal from when our team took grand champions at Knottsberry Farm that Jace likes to wear as his necklace. So I was telling them about how I was the youngest one on the team and that clogging was really fun. And Lexi looks at me and says "you mean the long stick with the rubber on it???" hahah! I tried to explain to her that clogging was a dance, like tap. Her next question "you mean you hold the long stick with rubber on it?" hahah. "No silly, it's a type of dance." Next question: "Well what did you clog then?" Wow, she just couldn't get that plunger out of her mind. So, next I broke out in a really awesome clog step to show her. "Mom, that's not clogging anything...where's your stick?" haha...Alright...forget it. To fully explain I showed her a YouTube video of people clogging...I think she understands now and no longer pictures her mother winning a metal for clogging anything :-)

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

The Pink Eye

This was Lexi last weekend. She says she got "the pink eye" from being outside too long in the snow. So, if we go out to play, it can only be for a little bit so she doesn't get the pink eye again. The good news is, her eyes are all cleared up and she's been outside with us shoveling the past few days and it has not returned haha. She's a little trooper!

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Sunday, February 7, 2010


As most of you know, the DC area has been hit with another big snow storm in the same season...unheard of for the area. We missed the first one while we were in Ohio, so it was pretty exciting for us to be here for this one. Reminded me of NH. Luckily, we weren't among those who lost power, luckily we had a shovel, and luckily, were able to dig the Expo out...the Maxima is another story, see below.
The kids had a great time playing while were shoveling.

Where should we put the snow???...oh, let's pile it up behind the Maxima. I told Tyson we should just let that snow melt and only drive the Expo for awhile. Sounds good to me.
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