Friday, April 10, 2009

Fun Week

Three days after we got back from visiting my sister in WA, they drove out here for conference and stayed for a week because their kids had spring break. They stayed with my grandparents for a few nights in Salt Lake and then headed down here to Orem to stay with us a few nights. Here's what we did:

Easter egg hunt

We went up to BYU to have lunch with Kim one day. Max took this picture of us, we weren't really prepared for it, but aren't we cute?

Jace had to see the "awfall" - waterfall

Jace and Katrina having fun together and not yelling in each other's faces

One night we rented out the Progressive Tumbling gym, which was a blast! It's awesome because the big kids love it and the little kids love it too! Here's a video of one of the trains we had going.

We also went to the Bean Museum, which was a big hit! Here's Lexi and Natalie by the big butterfly

Had to get a picture by the Crane!

Natalie and Lexi doing their scavanger hunt at the museum

We headed down to Nielsen's park by our house - the weather was so nice this day!

The kids playing playdo
My sister-in-law brought over suckers one day and I went outside and found the four of them like this! How cute
Jace, Lexi, Katrina, Natalie

Max had a good time playing rock band and is now the drum master! Thanks for coming to see us guys! We miss you already.
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Austyn said...

tears tears tears tears tears. we miss you!!!!!! kids are so big and so cute. and tell heather that natalie is SO beautiful! i can't stop staring.

cant wait to see you NEXT MONTH!! woop woop

Melanie said...

I'm sorry we couldn't go to that gym with you. It probably wouldn't have been that great for my arm anyway. That's so fun that you got to spend so much time with them.

Our Pratt Pack said...

That pic with the Crane cracked me up because we just drove by this house that had to concrete cranes out front and I was like "That's it when the Cranes buy a house we're getting this as they're house warming gift"

Kim said...

that is a lovely picture of us. Thanks Max!